Friday, April 26, 2013

I am by no means a photographer. I simply find photography to be creative. I love capturing (what I think are) our beautiful moments. A snap shot of time.....catching a moment of stillness that will never come again. Its a beautiful thing. Here are a few of my favorites....I love you sweet girl.

I think we are on day three or day four?! We've been taking photos like we are getting paid baby! Maybe one day we will....

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

here you are in a little hot air balloon.... 

Your 1st Birthday is going to be travel themed. Based off of Dr. Suess' book. I am having so much fun planning your big day! Globes, suitcases, maps and airplanes....and glitters LOTS of glitter!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Just down the street from our house is an empty lot along the river. I spotted it on one of our bike rides. It was a perfect afternoon, I once again dragged Dad down with us. I think he is getting into this whole "photography" thing. (ha!) They turned out lovely. I hope one day you will appreciate these photos as much as I do. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Oh Lilly girl we had so much fun today taking pictures for your 1st party invitation. You are such a ham!! We drove all over town. We dragged Daddy along for prop assistance he thinks I'm crazy and says I should just get a pack of those "fill in cards"..... No way not for my special little girl! I just want your birthday to be perfect, it will be, it has to be, how could it be any other way!? 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

"You can't stop the waves but you can learn how to ride them."

Dear Lilly,
At a second hand shop somewhere between my first apartment door and science class, I came across this vintage suitcase. Driving home with my suitcase already packed full of dreams of all the places we'd travel was always intended to be for adventure. Just this little suitcase and I. Never did I ever imagine, that you my dear, would be its destination. God has a plan for us Lilly and its far better than we can ever imagine!! This morning I am day dreaming of your future and praying sweet girl that no matter where your travels lead, no matter how many detours you may come across that you always remember that He has a beautiful story for you, its already written in the stars. Have Faith that His plans are more precious than your own. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Outside in the fresh air trying out your new swim float. Lets always live for these summer days. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Friday, April 5, 2013

Dear Lilly,
You aren't quite walking by yourself yet, but you love to hold my hand as we walk along the beach. I think this is your favorite place because you are always so happy here. Me too, sweets. Days like today feel magical. We live in paradise! I am so glad we get to share weekdays this way. The beach is quiet, and only a few people up and down the beach most of the time its just you and I. Today Aunt TT came to enjoy the sun too. It was another perfect summer afternoon.