Sunday, May 26, 2013

Dear Lilly,
I sit back and watch you discover the world around you and how the simple things in life captivate you. A boat passing by, a bird flying in the sky, rain drops landing on the window.... you bring attention to life's little details and its so wonderful to re-discover the world through your eyes.  xx, mommy

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

It was one of those miraculous May days....where you feel as though you can see forever. The sun was shining and we were completely surrounded by its happy rays of light.

As we sat together hand in hand watching the waves crash upon the shore, I am reminded of the greater force into which all of this belongs. God is in the details Lilly. Take time to notice and appreciate what has been placed before you. There is no coincidence we are here at this moment. This day was made for you and I

Isn't she lovely?!

Lets live life where the sun kisses the water and where the waves crash along shore....and let us never forget to give thanks for its beauty and delight.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Always pay attention to the sounds of the world, you can hear it wherever you are. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Whatever souls are made of, his and mine are the same. -Emily Bronte

I love to watch you two together. Your love for your Daddy is always present. Its a special connection a Daughter has with her Father and I pray that as the years go on you will continue to build a strong and meaning relationship. He adores you Lilly, more than anything in this world!! 

I took my maternity pictures at this very spot. Its very special beach to us. We came here while I was pregnant and walked  hand and hand through the drift wood along the water, dreaming of the day you'd be in our arms and we'd be a family of three. 

Saturday, May 11, 2013 was as if you woke up and thought to yourself, "I think I'll start walking today" ....