our hopes, our dreams our hearts desires collect like dust covering our belongings until the sweat and tears of our living washes them away. -Katie Moore
I know that over many years, my little heart has hoarded so many places I need and want to travel to, things I long for, selves I desire to be, gems I dream of owning...yet here I am, without most of them...still searching for meaning, looking for direction.
So, I sit and ponder and try as I might to imagine and construct where I am headed, try as I will to map out directions and seek the answers to what this life hopes of me, how to obtain all the desires of my heart...I'm brought back to spirit, and the real quest to feel Gods presence in every moment . It is here in the longing of worldly things that the pulse of life beats my soul into the rhythm of spirit. And I am reminded that all our plans and pursuits are really twigs of a nest built to home the birth of a bird and its feathers that once outgrown, belong to the sky.
Like the birds, you and I are meant to fly.
I have struggled my whole life with this. Like most of us, I learned to survive by holding what feels real and safe. Amazingly, the universe is held together by the unseeable threads of life. Just as the oceans contains a trillion gahzillion single drops of water, we too are a small drop in the sea of life. It is the quietest sort of miracle really the way we birth life, the way the courage of a seed cracks beneath layers of dirt without a single ounce of light. Yet it cracks despite the unseen, and grows its way into something beautiful. This moving through the dark into blossom is the threshold to God and a powerful lesson to finding the courage and to watering the seeds of our soul.
All within us, every hope and desire and small and buried longing....must surrender to a process that can not be seen and is only nourished by our courage that God will provide. It is this surrender that allows everything fragrant to break ground into life and into light.
Its Spring my friends, its time to blossom out of the dark and reach up to where the sunlight shines. Find the courage to grow in faith and in His love.
Just a little sprinkle to help nourish those seeds in your soul. ; )
xx, Katie
photo credit: pink blossom roses courage to bloom