Tuesday, April 22, 2014

watering the seeds of my soul....

our hopes, our dreams our hearts desires collect like dust covering our belongings until the sweat and tears of our living washes them away.  -Katie Moore

I know that over many years, my little heart has hoarded so many places I need and want to travel to, things I long for, selves I desire to be, gems I dream of owning...yet here I am, without most of them...still searching for meaning, looking for direction.

So, I sit and ponder and try as I might to imagine and construct where I am headed, try as I will to map out directions and seek the answers to what this life hopes of me, how to obtain all the desires of my heart...I'm brought back to spirit, and the real quest to feel Gods presence in every moment . It is here in the longing of worldly things that the pulse of life beats my soul into the rhythm of spirit.  And I am reminded that all our plans and pursuits are really twigs of a nest built to home the birth of a bird and its feathers that once outgrown, belong to the sky. 

Like the birds, you and I are meant to fly. 

I have struggled my whole life with this. Like most of us, I learned to survive by holding what feels real and safe. Amazingly, the universe is held together by the unseeable threads of life. Just as the oceans contains a trillion gahzillion single drops of water, we too are a small drop in the sea of life. It is the quietest sort of miracle really the way we birth life, the way the courage of a seed cracks beneath layers of dirt without a single ounce of light. Yet it cracks despite the unseen, and grows its way into something beautiful. This moving through the dark into blossom is the threshold to God and a powerful lesson to finding the courage and to watering the seeds of our soul. 

All within us, every hope and desire and small and buried longing....must surrender to a process that can not be seen and is only nourished by our courage that God will provide. It is this surrender that allows everything fragrant to break ground into life and into light.  

Its Spring my friends, its time to blossom out of the dark and reach up to where the sunlight shines. Find the courage to grow in faith and in His love.

Just a little sprinkle to help nourish those seeds in your soul. ; ) 
xx, Katie

photo credit: pink blossom  roses courage to bloom

Sunday, April 20, 2014

"white-robed apostles of hope."

 "White-Robed Apostles of Hope". 
Lilies were apparently found growing in the garden of Gethsemane after Christ’s death. The lilies were said to have sprung up from where Christ hung during the last hours of his crucifixion and commemorate his ultimate sacrifice for mankind. Churches line their altars and envelop their crosses with a multitude of Easter Lilies, to signify the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the hope of eternal life.

Easter morn with lilies fair
Fills the church with perfumes rare,
As their clouds of incense rise,
Sweetest offerings to the skies.
Stately lilies pure and white
Flooding darkness with their light,
Bloom and sorrow drifts away,
On this holy hallow'd day.
Easter Lilies bending low
in the golden afterglow,
Bear a message from the sod
To the heavenly towers of God.
-Louise Lewin Matthews

The Lily more than just a beautiful white flower, a heavenly symbolize for the spiritual values of Easter: purity, life and renewel. The Bible mentions lilies 15 times in 15 different verses. Of these 15 mentions, 8 of them occur in the Song of Solomon. 

 I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys. Song of Solomon 2:1

Renewel:The lily is a flower that has many medicinal virtues; the distilled water of a lily is good to restore a lost voice, it helps faintness, is good for the liver, helps the dropsy; and the oil of it is good for divers maladies. 
-The great and incomparable virtue that is in the Lord Jesus Christ, is
excellently good to cure all the diseases and maladies of the soul;
-by His blessed infusion of grace; in a word, there is no malady too hard for this spiritual Physician.

Life: It is observed that the lily is exceeding fruitful; one root puts forth fifty bulbs or scallions: Through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, He brings forth much fruit (John 12:24)
-The lily is the tallest of flowers, yet hangs down its head
Jesus Christ being higher than the mighty princes, kings & emperors of the earth, higher than heaven or angels, and yet is humble and lowly in heart; seems to hang down his head. May we learn to be humble.

Purity: White is a picture of purity (Revelation 3:4) Within the flower are seven grains or seeds the color of gold, so amiable that it was said, “That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.” (Matthew 6:29) So even a king, in the height of his grandeur and magnificence dressed out in the most splendid manner, was exceeded in array by a single lily.
-He is holiness itself. His glory is infinite, within and without, every way glorious; and so it is a symbolizism for ultimate perfection and beauty. It is Jesus himself.

Photo credit: Cross  depth of field  lilies

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Postcards and Pearls: from the depth of the deepest oceans comes the most precious jewel: aSOUL PEARL

Postcards and Pearls: from the depth of the deepest oceans comes the most precious jewel: aSOUL PEARL

from the depth of the deepest oceans comes the most precious jewel: aSOUL PEARL

God breaks the heart again and again and again until it stays open.-HAZRAT INAYAT KHAN

Depression broke me open like a massive glacier freezing over two oceans separating all with its valleys so deep. Un-describable painful, unstoppable, it left me frozen inside and detached. Never anticipated, not a single weather warning or caution flag posted. It took me down along with its below freezing temperatures. You see, it won the match before I even knew I was one of its component. Feeling quite insignificant, and Soul struck; its force of nature drug me down to the depth of the deepest oceans.

It was all I could do to survive its below zero temperatures or by being changed by this world. But instead of fighting; I let go.....of everything, including all that I once knew of the person inside. Mark Nepo describes a time he too was "Stripped of causes and plans and things to strive for" and goes on to say how he, "discovered that everything I could need or ask for is right here-in flawed abundance". So too have I seen this tiny ray of light from the ocean floor. What I found to remain, little to nothing. How quite liberating letting go of all ownership and titles and releasing possessions that never belonged to me to start with. For the first time in my life I truly "let go, and was willing to let god". option 2: let hell freeze over...I choose God 

For when nothing remains, when all was lost....so too, all was to be gained......My efforts turned from trying to outrun suffering to trying to express it, from trying to achieve joy to trying to feel it, in every moment. And from trying to shape change or better the lives of my loved ones to accepting love wherever it may be, how ever it may be, without moving to fix it or correct its appearance. I came to accept the jewel and grit of this and every moment. Raw and unpolished like a pearl washed along shore. It was a battle neither won nor lost. I chose to forfeit and since the moment I chose to surrender, my world has never been the same. 
There is nothing to do and nowhere to go. Accept this, we can do everything and go anywhere. 
....so with just a speck of hope and a dash of courage left inside I gave it to the one who is higher than I. I let go and let god.....Like a dandelion effortlessly picked up by a spring breeze and sent into the direction of Gods choosing.... I hopefully said a prayer and blew my dandelion towards the heavenly skies. And I waited-- and waited. --and remained eagerly still. 

We are asked to believe that life in all its every changing constantly-moving forward motion and complexities, is complete as is--that nothing is needed, that nothing is missing. So here I was, waiting, still, feeling lost at sea. Fear of insignificance and a quite impressive resume of failures began to tell a story about a girl the world might never have needed, it became quite possible after all, that life could go on with or without me just fine. 

And just when I felt this little light begin to burn out, my Father, my heavenly king bent down and kissed me! Blessing my life with His glory and with the most beautiful treasure the world would come to know or see. Again, unscripted, unplanned...unexpected... I was pregnant. It was the burning down the wick to one light that lead to the most beautiful burst of flame ignited by the heavenly king himself.
the beginning of her life renewed my soul & spirit, she was the light on my path that lead my beloved and to His love. 
I've come to terms with the idea that the world will continue blazing long after I depart. Accepting this, has put down the burden of longing to be set apart from everyone, the hero. Simply, I want to concentrate on absorbing the journey of being alive. This life, right now before me given to me, a gift of motherhood, sisterhood, I am a daughter, a friend and Ben's love. And the most important of all the one thing I know for sure, the world will continue on but there will never be another mumma to a heavenly sent angel named Lilly Kate and that's all I need to ever be. 

And so I will let the world continue to pass on by....and as the world turns and the clock keeps ticking I vow daily to expect to witness in wonder His miracles... oh how I pray He continue to show me his glory displaying his masterpieces of art; forever changing horizons and pearls of wisdom stitched from the womb of the depth of his very own oceans so blue.

Thus, our work is not to eliminate or re-create anything...ultimately we are small living things awakened in the stream, not gods who carve out rivers. ....We cannot eliminate loneliness, be we can hold each other. We cannot eliminate pain, but we can live a life of compassion. -M. Nepo